Tuesday, January 14, 2020

2020 - Insert Vision related pun here.

Hey writers,

It's been quite a while since we last spoke. I shared a tale, no one bothered to read it, it's all good. I do apologize for not speaking with you on a more frequent basis, Fall was a bit of a shitshow; new jobs, moving house, excuses, real life, blah blah blah.

I've been keeping busy with writing as well, and there have been developments;

First and foremost, Click this link to head over to Engen Books for details

Someone actually wants to publish me. Wacky people.
More writers have been announced since, but being the first, on New Year's Eve, was kinda cool. My story, 'FOR THE CROWN' is the first effort in a series of shorts/novellas that may or may never see the light of day, depending on how this sucker is received. I've been tentatively calling the whole thing, THE IRON COSMOS. Until I get cease and desist letters.

 Super-stoked to be a part of the PULP SCI-FI FROM THE ROCK collection, look for more news as the release gets closer, including how to get your own copy.

Work also continues on VIRTUAL MACHINES, the end goal is to have a first draft completed for victims (er, beta readers) within the first half of the year.

I'm also far from done with BEN PARISH'S WAR, Go back and read that first short, I'm actually pretty proud of it.

My other two focuses right now are an untitled horror story featuring Templar Knights, set after the fall of Acre and the end of the Third Crusade. EXODUS, meanwhile, is a straight-up Western. Both are plotted out, some loose ideas have been cobbled together, and fragments have begun to appear. I'm gonna start sharing progress reports, just because:

Virtual Machines - 65%
Templar Horror - 12%
Exodus - 4%

What sort of projects do you have on the boilerplate for 2020? Tell me something cool!

What we do in life echoes in eternity!

Until next time,


Peter Foote said...

I have five pieces of flash fiction to write before the end of the month, one novella to start the rewrites on, and three connected horror short stories to plot/write in the next eight weeks.

Sounds like we both have a full plate buddy.

SteveTP said...

Nothing like a full plate to keep us... Full 😁